


In psychological research, objectivity is the key to accuracy. 不幸的是,偏见是不可避免的. 偏见是 倾向、倾向或意见 of researchers that may skew the results of their work. Because all experiments are designed and carried out by humans, 它们都至少有一些潜在的偏见. Solving for this variable, therefore, is crucial in obtaining reliable data.


Biases can be found in all stages of research and are plentiful in their types. 这里有几个例子:


Selection or sampling bias can be found during the planning phase of research. It occurs when the criteria used to find subjects for various research groups are 本质上不同, according to the Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. 例如, a study that examines individuals’ feelings on gun control that only selects members of a certain political party may produce unreliable results. 这 means that data collected cannot accurately represent the general population.


Design bias can also be found in the planning phase. It happens when researchers use subjective criteria in distinguishing between subject groups. As a result, the criteria that separate groups may be arbitrary instead of statistically significant.


通常发生在研究阶段, this bias describes when researchers measure something poorly, 没有严格. Doing so distorts the validity of the data collected.


Response bias describes when only certain types of subjects respond to an invitation to enter a study. 这, 类似于选择偏差, causes the study group not to be representative of the larger population.


这 bias occurs during trial implementation and describes when participants or researchers act differently because of their participation in a study. Performance bias complicates data and makes it more difficult to establish cause-and-effect relationships.


Reporting bias describes any number of discrepancies that occur in the reporting of a study, 试验》 解释了. These discrepancies are influenced by the data’s nature and outcomes. 报告偏见的各种形式包括:

  • 发表偏倚:研究是否发表
  • 滞后偏差: whether the publication of research is done quickly or on a delayed timeline
  • 多重发表偏倚: whether research is published in a single journal or multiple journals
  • 位置偏差: the discrepancy of publishing research in journals with various ease of access
  • 引用的偏见:研究是否被引用
  • 语言偏见: when research is published in one language over another
  • 结果报告偏倚: when only some outcomes are reported from a study

Because these and other types of research bias are so prevalent, a wide range of safeguards have been created to minimize or eliminate their effects.


Controlling bias in psychological research is done through any number of rigorous practices. 一种突出的方法是使用“盲法研究”,,其中参与者, the researcher or both are unaware of which subjects are in a control group and which are not.

In 识别和避免研究中的偏见作者克里斯托弗·J. Pannucci和Edwin G. 威尔金斯 概述其他方法 研究人员可能会解决手头的问题. 一些包括:

  • Using rigorous criteria for participant selection and assignment
  • Ensuring participants come from the same general population
  • Standardizing all interactions between researchers and their subjects
  • 避免使用过时的控制参数
  • 在适当的机构登记所有的研究
  • Researching to see if similar studies have occurred that are either unpublished or in progress

Advancement in psychological research can only be made with the right data. By accounting for the flaws with which humans operate in pursuing knowledge, researchers can obtain the most relevant information available and, 通过它, 推进他们的领域.


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